Emf Protection Phone Case

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As you know, most of us are depends on gadgets. But a few of us are aware of the emf radiation that produces health risk. These radiations came from gadgets that make our world work.

Well, it turns out that our microwaves, computers, cellphones, wifi, and many more send out a stream of invisible energy waves that understand some experts. Don’t you think?  We should be concerned about it?

Scientists said many appliances that use electricity, produces EMF radiation. In medical, MRI and X-rays were found to produce EMF radiations.

Most people think electromagnetic radiations are not dangerous. To know about it, let’s move forward. And know about radiation from 5G.

What are the Types of EMF Exposure?

There are two types of EMF exposure – high-level radiation and low-level radiation.

High-level radiation is a type of radiation which is also called ionizing radiation. These radiations came in the form of UV rays and in the medical – X-rays.

Low-level radiation is also known as ionizing radiation. These radiations came from cell phones, wifi, MRIs, and microwave.

We have all heard that spending too much time on the computer means being in a sitting position for a long time. This means musculoskeletal problems such as neck strain, back pain, stiffness of shoulder muscles, and many more. The other parts of the body may be suffering in silence too as sitting means less blood flow. This can sometimes lead to obesity too.

It is a scientific fact that the computer screen display emits electromagnetic energy which is normal parlance is called radiation. This radiation is the cause of other dangers to too much time in front of the computer… it can cause insomnia, mood swings, and “computer vision syndrome – CVS.” Typical symptoms of CVS: strained, dry eyes, blurred vision, and headaches. And, for children, it can cause issues with learning, emotional development, communication skills, vision, and weight.

While the ideal solution will be to significantly reduce the time spent in front of the computer, it might not be practical as the world has gone digital. Hence a more practical way will be to use emf protection phone case or radiation protection products such as VIVOBASE which provide comprehensive protection from the bad effect of radiation. Motto should be BE PROTECTED. STAY CONNECTED

Every electronic device that emits some kind of radiation such as magnetic, electric, or any radio frequencies zone. These types of radiation are called electromagnetic radiation. There are many ways to understand the radiation protection principles with time, distance and shielding. These actions minimize exposure to radiation. Radiation protection products come in many forms, but the main purpose of every product is always to limit the amount of EMF radiation.

Use Products that do Work in Protection

Laptop Shields: In our life, one of the most common sources of EMF radiation is a laptop. These electronic devices give ambient radiation when not in use. Laptop protection shields are mostly made with aluminum or steel mesh. These Sheilds can range from carrying cases to lap trays which is double effective. Many studies that actually claim that a laptop shield can reduce the effect by 99%.

HF-35C High-Frequency Analyzer– This tool helps you to test the rooms and devices in your homes for wireless RF radiation levels.

EMF Protective Paint: EMF protective paint mostly made by silicate but one can make by other raw material also. This is an excellent property in terms of radiation protection because it can be applied in the form of paint. For protection you need not paint the entire area, For example, if you want to reduce EMF exposure for your Wi-Fi router in a room then just paint the wall behind the router. This will reduce the amount of radiation through the wall so the exposure will automatically be reduced with this effect.

Graham Stetzer Filters: These plugin filters are very inexpensive but they are effective in reducing the amount of dirty electricity in your home. one can use the Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter to measure the levels of electricity in a particular area. This way one can reduce the amount of radiation.

Tower EMF Shield This shield that blocks the RF radiation coming from a computer tower.

Large WiFi Router Guard: This guard you could also set in your cell phones or in small wifi devices in which you wanted to work and want to get a signal. This guard block the radiation.

Aluminum Screening: This type of screen you can use to repair screens for your windows. There is an anti-radiation case also available that one can use in cell phones.

There are many radiation protection products available like above but without research, they can be incredibly confusing.

