Transforming Executives into Managers UBS Business School, Mumbai

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The Executive MBA program is fast becoming a preferred choice of business professionals. Executives who earn their MBAs part-time are gaining the same knowledge and expertise as a full-time program without having to sacrifice their careers.

People looking at Top Executive MBA Programs are opting for a part-time course in order to continue their work with further studies.


UBS Business School - Best Executive MBA Program

If you have reached a point in your professional career where you feel that the growth has become stagnant, it might be time for you to enrol in the best executive MBA in Mumbai offered by UBS Business School.


  • Who is this course for?

This course is specifically designed while keeping in mind the young working professionals of India. You are required to have at least 2 years of work experience, but there’s no upper bracket to it. Young individuals who are looking to lead a team of their own should definitely sign up for this program.


  • How long is the course duration and when are the classes conducted?

The total time required for completion of the executive MBA program is 15months, which is significantly shorter when compared to the traditional MBA courses on offer. You hit the ground running at UBS Business School the day you sign up for the program.
While you are assigned assignments for the entire week, the classes will run for 6 hours every Sunday. This ensures that you are not burdened with classes and work simultaneously and allows you to efficiently learn new concepts and practise them throughout the week.


How does an executive MBA degree from UBS take you from the position of an executive to a Manager?

After you are done with the 15months of rigorous academic training, you will be awarded for your effort with two different certifications, MBA from Cardiff Met University and PGPM from UBS Business School. This double certification opens the door to management roles and new career opportunities in not only your domain but in other niches as well.

